The Manual - shipping included (South Africa only)A book/novel that will keep you riveted from the very first words. This is the real Divinity. Get to know Him.
Simply Grace - shipping included (South Africa only)A book I have written to attempt to bring some understanding in the perennial question of grace. Is it hyper? Is it wrong? Is it just too easy? Simply put: IF a son, always a son. No matter what.
The Hole in the hedge - shipping included (South Africa only)Why do bad things happen to good people? This is a question that has plagued the mind of many for centuries. I believe I have the answer.
Lessons from Walter.Jesus was the greatest “story teller” that ever walked the earth. From trees to birds, to skies to children and stars and all sorts of other fascinating stories, our Lord used parables to convey a powerful, hidden message.
There was always a moral to the story, a deeper message to the parable, a principle to the plot . By the same token, possibly the greatest “story-teller” of current times is Walt Disney. In this series we will attempt to investigate the hidden message in some of Walter’s modern “parables”. In Disney’s world of princesses and witches, dragons and castles, heroes and wonder we will search for the treasure he’s hidden amongst the “magic” thereby discovering that “lesson” that he has unfailingly concealed in every one of his stories for the adventurous seeker to find. Sleeping Beauty Aladdin The Beauty and the Beast Peter Pan |
Mission possible: the call of Father's heart.The core of all religions is “performance” In other words,”I’m going to get such as
I deserve!” Not so with Christianity! The core of the our faith is, “God is good and He loves me!” No matter whether I deserve it or not! He calls for me to come home so that He can manifest the unmeasurable love He has for me. All He asks of me is to trust Him. That’s all. And that is the key to all things - the call of Father’s heart. That is the only way in which we can approach the world and declare to them God’s existence. And that’s when, suddenly, all things become possible. In this powerful series Mario shares this winning formula for life - simple, infallible. Mission 1, such as they need Mission 2, such as I have Mission 3, such as I need Mission 4, the call of Father’s heart! |
Man fully alive.A father of the early church by the name of Ireneus said something that captured Mario’s heart, “God’s glory is man fully alive!”
David agreed with, “In the presence of the Lord there is fulness of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore”. And Jesus capped it with, “I came to bring you life, life in abundance!” Could it really be true that God is interested in my life? The fulness of my life? The quality of my life? Yet we look around us and we see pain and poverty even in the Body of Christ. Is it possible then that God had another idea about “Fulness”? Might He hold a different concept of “Abundance”? In this series Mario shares a powerful revelation the Lord has opened to him about what a “Man fully alive” is really like. 1 - The juice of life. 2 - The five pillars. 3 - The cry of the eagle. 4 - The Tree of Life. |
Gone fishing!If you were to identify Jesus’ (Head of the Church) qualification for a “follower” what would you say? A good person? An obedient person? A spiritual person?
Interestingly enough that’s not what the Lord promised those who would follow Him would principally become. He said He would make them become fishers of men! That’s it, you follow, you fish! In this very practical and profound series Mario expounds on how to follow the Lord’s instruction - and love it! Pt 1 Out of the boat. (by R. Du Toit) - Pt 2 Why? - Pt 3 The bait. - Pt 4 The net. Pt 5 The one that got away! Pt 6 The beach. It’s personal! |
Broken mirrors.In the beginning God made man in His image. He created a mirror of His being. Someone was born that looked just like his divine Dad. Then life happened. And the image changed. The reflection distorted. And the image died. But that was not the end - oh no, it’s not over ‘till He says it’s over! Someone else had to come and recreate God’s image on earth - and He did! The broken mirror of our identity has been miraculously repaired by our Lord Jesus Christ. I can look like my Dad again for He always has the last word.
1. We are the plan. 2. He always has the last word. 3. It’s not over ‘till He says it’s over 4. Broken mirrors 1 5. Broken mirrors 2 6. What’s in a name |
How to hear the voice of the Shepherd.Over and over the apostle Paul talks about the “Calling with which we were called”. What is the one prerequisite for the Shepherd’s calling to be heard?
Simple, we must be able to “hear” His voice! This series will help the believer in a practical and applicable way to do just that, hear the voice of the divine Shepherd. One: Signs and wonders. Two: The Word. Three: The Spirit. Four: Waiting. Five: The desires. Six: The conscience. |
Follow me!In this series Mario would like to stress the fact that
- bottom line - Christianity is ... simple. Yes, our divine Master did not make complicated demands on His disciples, He did not dictate intricate rules nor did He establish confusing behavioral patterns. No, what He said was simply, “Follow me!” It’s on the simplicity of such a statement that this series is based. From the absolute and total inclusion of “everyone” in His embrace of grace in CD1 to the understanding of supernatural principles applied to our life in CD2, the recognition of a divine “thread” running through the whole of humanity in CD3 and the powerful revelation that we’re not God but that He is, Mario tries to bring the simplicity of Christianity into everyday’s life in such a way as to make it available to the “whosoever will” like you and me. Bottom line? Christianity is simple, “follow Him!’ CD 1 - The bad guys. CD 2 - ... and I will make you. CD 3 - ... pick up the cross? CD 4 - The dog’s kind of faith. |
Luke's nameless list.Nameless people throughout the Bible unconsciously participated in the great weaving of divine tapestry. People with no name, never identified, never really appreciated, played the first violin and the triangle in the heavenly orchestra, much like you and me today.
No matter who you are, you have a place in His symphony. Yes, we are the fullness of God’s image but the detail of His purpose! Part 1 - The owner of the manger Part 2 - The three Magi Part 3 - The synagogue’s attendant Part 4 - The fishing partners Part 5 - The leper Part 6 - The four friends Part 7 - The man with the withered hand Part 8 - The disciples on the road to Emmaus |
To will or not to will.Is the will of God really like a stick? Rigid? Inflexible? If you miss it, you’re done?
Or is it maybe like a tree whose purpose is to get the sap to the leaves, to get to the sunlight, to grow in all directions, flexible and alive which doesn’t really care how you get there? And maybe if you take a wrong turn it simply ... recalculates? In this eye opening & liberating, short series Mario shows how most have relegated God to the realm of the “mechanic” by treating Him as there was only one, stiff, numb & solitary “machine” called “God’s will” that we could ride and that if we didn’t know how to do it we will forever miss our destination! Has Mario got news for you! CD1 - The tree or the stick - Part 1 CD2 - The tree or the stick - Part 2 |
The four faces of the perfect man.In this series Mario tries to highlight some of the characteristics of Jesus’ personality that made Him to be God’s “Perfect Man”.
It’s by understanding the divine order AND the divine progression of one aspect to the other, that we can safely journey to that which God design to be our final destination, the image of His Son, the perfect man. The Servant serves for reward - The Steward manages for honor The Friend sticks for intimacy - The Son belongs for inheritance The Servant - part 1 The servant - part 2 The Steward - part 1 The Steward - part 2 The Friend - part 1 The Friend - part 2 The Son |
Sonship.“Belonging” in most - if not all - religions on earth, means being part of a certain group of people, who meets in a certain place, on a certain day, worships a certain god in a certain way, through a certain ritual.
Not so with Christianity! Thank God, He didn’t come to gather members for His organization, nor did He come to establish a future secret society, nor did He come to further a new, foreign philosophy. No, God came - in the person of His Son - to call to Himself all the sons who had strayed from home and whom He loves so much. Yes, He came to call us by name, a new name, a living and wonderful name, “You are my son, today I have begotten you!” Heb.1:5 The true reality of who you are, is a son/daughter - of God. ” Sonship”- not “membership”, is your portion! 1 - Sonship 2 - Be fruitful and multiply. 3 - What if God was one of us! 4 - Come on, buy something! 5 - The real Sabbath 6 - Identification by declaration |
The A.B.C. of love.In this liberating and heart gripping series Mario explains why there was no ark in the tabernacle of Moses, what is David’s tent, how come an uncircumcised Philistine was given permission to be in God’s presence, why Nehemiah’s cry was for the people to rejoice and what is the Key of Knowledge Jesus told the lawyers they had taken away.
The simplicity of this message can only be rivaled by the depth of the power of its revelation! Discover how the lord desires us to live in His family, you’ll be so blessed that you’ll never, ever be the same again! Part 1 - A is for Acceptance Part 2 - B is for Belonging Part 3 - C is for Compassion |
Exegesis of Galatians - part 1.Exegetical - interpretation, exposition, the act of reading through a text and explaining it. After years of “topical preaching” Mario felt lead of the Lord to start bringing a “different” form of preaching. Exegetical preaching is different because it takes places in the Bible where sometimes you don’t want to go. Places where the normal “topical preaching” would not go because of their controversiality. One has to cover every verse, every concept, every doctrine in a particular book - and that is sometime somewhat “dangerous”. It’s with this in mind that Mario has embarked in this exciting form of preaching: let the Bible talk, let the Bible preach. 1- How to handle a crisis. 2- The Gospel. 3- What happened? 4- Guidance. 5 - The dancing God. 6- Confrontation. |
Prayer, the real thing.In Luke 8:1 Jesus makes a statement that must have made the disciples flinch,
“Pray always and don’t give up!” In this series Mario covers the four main questions that need to be dealt with in order to have a proper prayer life: 1) Do I qualify? - 2) Can He hear me? - 3) Can He do it? - 4) Will He do it? He then tackles the real heart of prayer which is, strangely not “give me, bless me, protect me etc” but has everything to do with “So that the Father may be glorified in the Son” This series is vital if we want to understand what motivates the Father, His plans and His agenda. Part 1 - Anyone out there? Part 2 - The big picture. Part 3 - Gone fishing! Part 4 - The real thing. Part 5 - Boldness. Part 6 - Prayer’s ultimate purpose. |
Covenant or contract.In this fascinating series Mario explains the vitally important difference between religion and Christianity.
Everything in religion is connected to performance - just like in a contract! Christianity on the other hand, is solely based on the promise of One Who said, “I will never leave you, I will never forsake you, I will never stop loving you. I just will not do it!” Learn in this exciting teaching the secret of man’s relationship to God - a covenant of life - and not a contract subject to failure. Part 1 - Performance or promise? Part 2 - Two values or one? Part 3 - Ink or blood? Part 4 - Time bound or timeless?. Part 5 - Reason or passion? Part 6 - The penalty. |
Makarios: fortunate, happy and supremely blessed.In this exciting series Mario goes through Jesus’ eight “Blessed are the ..” Otherwise known as “The beatitudes”.
From the point of view of “Public Relations” Jesus could have hardly found less “inviting” subjects. Yet, over and over the Master’s message is, “This is the real deal! This is what it means to be a Christian!” And it doesn’t take long to see that yes, as usual, He was right. What a revealed blessing! Part 1 - Blessed are the poor in spirit. Part 2 - Blessed are those who mourn. Part 3 - Blessed are the meek. Part 4 - Blessed are those who hunger and thirst. Part 5 - Blessed are the merciful. Part 6 - Blessed are the pure in heart. Part 7 - Blessed are the peace makers. Part 8 - Blessed are the reviled and the persecuted. |
On the other side of the sun.The wisest, richest and basically most “arrived” man in the biblical account is Solomon.
This Incredibly successful king amassed riches of untold worth, built palaces and mansions, had women by the hundreds, slaves and everything his heart desired. Yet Solomon got to the end of his life and very morosely recorded in his book, Ecclesiastes, that all of that was, “Vanity, futility and totally useless!” Wow! What a prescription for clinical depression! Unseen by the casual observer though, is the key to relief of such deep sadness. Mario manages to unlock this powerful key in such an understandable way that suddenly we feel like smiling once again, hope rises anew and the sun shines one more time. This series will encourage you beyond measure! You will look at life with a fresh joy and renewed purpose. You will believe afresh that There is indeed life - on the other side of the sun! CD 1 - The profit of power. CD 2 - The point of purpose. CD 3 - The place of peril. CD 4 - The position of priority. |
Grace and truthLife as a disciple of Christ - part 4.The divine combination of "grace" and "truth" that permeates Jesus' personality. Truth declares, "The soul that sins, it shall die!" Grace answers, "I will pay the price!" Truth states, "You are a sinner!" Grace replies, "I do not condemn you!" What a fantastically magnificent combination.
… 'till death do us part.Moved by the number of marriages that simply, "don't make it through" Mario decided to compile this short series, drawing from various sources and from his book "The ideal family".
The results are somewhat hilarious, sometime convicting but always Word-based. What happened to romance? How can that person whom I wanted next to me for the rest of my life, be the very one I never want to see again? What changed after I said, "I do"? |